• The Problem
    Everyone agrees: Good data drives good decisions. So why approach the NFIRS G2 Box flippantly?
    Fire Departments find themselves with no training, clarity of expectations, nor support in supplying the most valuable data required by government agencies for estimating property loss valuations
    Unlike other public service departments, Fire Departments find themselves lacking the real-time metrics to tell their success stories in the communities they serve
    In constant need of additional personnel, equipment, and resources to better serve their communities, Fire Departments find themselves starved for the data they need to access these additional funds
  • The Solution

    Loss Evaluator knows how to connect you with the right blend of technology and professional support to provide
    real-time, on-scene Loss Evaluation services to support your property loss evaluations.
    Buy why talk about Property LOST when you can talk about Property SAVED?

     Backed by decades of experience in the fire restoration industry, our technology combined with our network of
    Certified Data Providers puts you back in control of some of the most important data available to your department. 
    Flip the script, and start telling your success story in your community!

  • The Approach

    • Leveraging the power of the Loss Evaluator App, combined with the local knowledge of service-minded fire restoration contractors serving your department as a Certified Data Provider, you can ensure you never leave your department shorthanded on data again.
    • Not in an area currently serviced by a Loss Evaluator Certified Data Provider? Procure the Loss Evaluator platform and train your departments personnel to consistently estimate property fire damage loss and save values!
  • Get Started

    • Fire Department Officer looking to use the Loss Evaluator app to partner with a Certified Data Provider in my area
      Schedule A Demo
    • Fire Department Officer looking to train my own department on using the Loss Evaluator app for our property loss evaluations
      Schedule A Demo
    • A service-minded restorer familiar with fire damage looking to become a Certified Data Provider
      Get Started
  • Schedule a Demo

    To get started, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to schedule a time to start flipping the script in your department soon!

  • How it Works

    1. Loss Evaluator partners with a Certified Data Provider
    2. The Certified Data Providers partners with fire departments in their district
    3. The Certified Data Provider onboards the fire department
    4. The fire department installs the app
    5. When a loss occurs, the Incident Commander will use the Loss Evaluator app to dispatch the Certified Data Provider
    6. The Certified Data Providers will respond to the dispatch and let the dispatch chief know they are on their way
    7. When the Certified Data Provider arrives on scene, they will follow the protocol laid out by the fire department and provide the requested services
  • Schedule a Demo

    To get started, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to schedule a time to start flipping the script in your department soon!

  • Get Started

    To get started, please fill out the form below, and we will contact you to schedule a demo

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